There is an awful lot going on at the moment. WildEarth.TV is now being distributed by Momedia, and hopefully they will secure us the all important distribution onto TV platforms in Europe. If everything goes according to plan, our European viewers will be watching us on their TV sets as well as on the Internet … soon. Please don’t panic, this growth in our concept and brand will not result in you not being able to watch us on the Internet. To be clear; you WILL still be able to watch WildEarth on the Internet LIVE and FREE.
I so badly want to tell you what is coming up on Sunday the 12th October, but it is just a little early. I promise to give you the low down on another world first this week, but I can tell you that you are not going to be able to tear your eyes from the screen all day … and into the night. WE are going global, in a big way!!
You have no doubt noticed that the game drives have developed a 1950s film feel … they are in black and white!! No, this is not an attempt by WE to go retro. Our main video switch failed, over the weekend, and this has forced the crew to operate on a very basic, even neanderthalic, switching system. For a reason that WE may never understand this changeover has resulted in the game drive being in black and white. Some things evade logic. 
Anyway, Pete Braat is flying into Johannesburg in an hour, he will collect a new switch, a new antenna for the WEwalk (this should massively improve quality) and a bunch of other bits and bobs. Pete will then head for Djuma and hopefully make it through Gowrie Gate tonight before 11h00. Pieter and Herman go on a well deserved two week break tomorrow. Both of them are heading to Cape Town and WE hope they have an awesome break. No promises, but you just might see Pieter do a LIVE unscheduled show from Cape Town while WE test our brand new exciting system. 
The WEangels continue to change the world. They have now raised $1995.00 … and counting. Emily has managed to secure seats for another 13 kids. This has really been one of the most exciting projects I have ever been involved with, and it warms my heart to know that there are such angels out there amongst our viewers. A BIG heartfelt than you from Emily, the WE crew and me to all those that have helped so far. Our new WEangels are:

Phil Benn
Sheryl Patton
Laura Voight
Thomas Roberson
Joyce from South Carolina
Christine Lawson
Pat from Nebraska
(NOTE: If you do not wish to have your full name mentioned, or you don’t want to be mentioned at all, just send us a note at and WE will do so.)