As of Friday, August 28th, #SafariLive will start later, with the sunrise drive beginning at 6:00am and ending at 9:00am, and the sunset drive at 3:30pm and ending at 6:30pm. This change is being made to accommodate for the change of seasons and make the most of the time we have on drive.

This translates to start times for sunrise drive of 00:00am ET, 21:00pm PT, 05:00 in the UK, 06:00 in Central Europe, and 14:00 Sydney time, and, accordingly, 09:30am ET, 6:30am PT, 14:30 in the UK, 15:30 in Central Europe, and 23:30 Sydney time for the sunset drive.

As always, you’re welcome to interact with the guides by asking questions through #safarilive on Twitter or via email at .