Every Wednesday morning, a group of enthusiastic viewers gathers around to have breakfast and watch sunset safariLIVE, from halfway around the world.

At The Retreat at Church Ranch Assisted Living in Colorado, Susie Dashiell and a dozen or so residents of the facility, have discovered the joys of jumping aboard the biggest safari vehicle in the world.

“I like to see the elephants more than anything,” says 91 year old Bob. “Anytime you see animal life in motion, it’s an eye opener; to see what animal life is really like.”

Susie found safariLIVE 4 years ago after a trip to South Africa, which she says were the “most magical 10 days” of her life. “One year ago, I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. WildEarth kept me company as I recovered from my surgery, and I watched it during my chemotherapy treatments. It was a reminder to me: I needed to get better so I could have another African adventure.”

She has since shared this gift with her residents, who all have the same spirit of adventure. “Every Wednesday morning, about 12 of my Residents ranging in age from 69 to 97, gather around the television and virtually jump on the back of the Land Rovers and enjoy Safari,” she says. “We keep a poster on the wall listing all the animals and birds we see.  It’s so exciting to add to the list.”

LaFaunn, a 97 year old resident, is the oldest of the Breakfast Safari attendees. “I especially love the babies”, she says. “I like having something to look forward to.  I love the presenters.  I learn something new from them every time.”

She also graced their Glamorous Grannies calendar in full leopard print in honor of Breakfast Safari.
“I have wanted to go to Africa my whole life, in a way, it doesn’t make it any easier not to go, because it looks so beautiful. On the other hand, it feels like I go every Wednesday.”

LaFaunn, 97

WE’re happy to have these dedicated adventurers as a part of our ever growing safariLIVE family. Join us, the Breakfast Safari team and the rest of our viewers for our sunrise and sunset drives, daily at member4.mystagingwebsite.com or wildsafarilive.com.

If you have an interesting story to tell about your #safariLIVE experience, and would like to be featured in a future #safariLIVE Viewer Profile, contact us with your contributions, photo and video submissions at . You could be interviewed next!

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