At 16 years old, Kyle McFetters is the youngest single person WE’ve featured in our Viewer Profile series. A viewer since November 2015, he discovered the drives like so many others have, through our collaboration with Nat Geo Wild during Big Cat Week.

Kyle has since discovered all the other views of the natural world WE has to offer. “I watch the cams for about an hour leading up to the drives,” he says. He would love to visit Djuma one day and see where all these incredible sightings have happened.

Lioness, Nkuhuma pride, screenshot by Kyle McFetters

Kyle has enjoyed the community aspect of safariLIVE too. “It’s fun and the fellow viewers are very nice it’s almost like a second family to me,” he says. He is one of the many viewers who tweet their comments and questions to us at #safariLIVE. The student and train aficionado, says his favourite sighting to date was when Karula and her cubs were together and wild dogs entered the scene.


Leopard on a termite mound, screenshot by Kyle McFetters

If you have an interesting story to tell about your #safariLIVE or WildEarth experience and would like to be featured in a future #safariLIVE Viewer Profile, contact us with your contributions, photo and video submissions at . You could be interviewed next!