WE have decided that instead of dedicating the first 45 minutes of our safari’s to children’s questions only, we are going to open up the full three hours and take as many questions from kids throughout. As you know, the youngsters on our planet are the future conservationists and for them to connect with nature is extremely important. 

Many kids are unable to watch during the first 45 minutes at the beginning of each drive and so we are going to smooth things out. The full three hours are now open for kids and adults alike to get their questions answered.

This will be implemented from the Sunset Safari on 1st July 2020.

From the beginning of each show, adults can ask their questions via twitter using #wildearth and also on youtube chat. If you are a child or asking for a child, then you can ask your question via email on .

WE hope that everyone is keeping safe and healthy and wish our entire WE family the best during these very tough times.