This year, on 22nd April, the world comes together to celebrate our wonderful planet. The theme for Earth Day 2022 is #Invest In Our Planet and millions of people across continents and countries will join forces; investing their time and efforts to bring awareness to the issues our world is facing and to create lasting change. The kind of change that saves environments, convinces businesses to reduce footprints and encourages organizations into courageous action. The kind of change that ripples through hearts and minds and leaves lasting impressions.

We each have the power to make choices and enact simple changes. Through what we choose and what we do, we can all make a profound difference to our planet. At WildEarth, we celebrate Earth Day every day of the year. As lucky as we are to be a part of the incredible environment of the African bush, we never take it for granted.

Every day we strive to open a window into the hearts and minds of people around the world, ushering into their lives the animals we love so much in all their beauty, power, ferocity, tenderness and wildness. We do our best to give a precious glimpse into the way the world could be. A world where humans are connected to nature and the natural world is a living part of our lives. A part that we cherish.

Recently, WildEarth has taken the lead in projects that support our planet. We introduced recycling at Tswalu and have also led the way at Penguin Beach with a community-involving litter clean-up, as plastics continue to mar the beauty of our oceans. We at WildEarth believe that instead of waiting for someone else to make changes, taking the first steps towards positive change will encourage others to follow in our footsteps and that we all have a role to play. 

If you would like to join the movement and invest in our planet, we encourage you to find a way to join the millions of people worldwide who will be rallying on 22nd April for their families, friends and children; doing their part to make sure that everyone’s future is a green and sustainable one.

WildEarth wholeheartedly supports the Earth Day initiative and we are bringing you a special show on 22nd April as part of our celebration. We will be joined by a conservationist from Djuma with ideas to share and on safari Rexon will be walking us through what can be done to protect trees from the elephants with tree wrapping. He will also have many nifty tips about helping to preserve the earth. We are privileged to have The Endangered Wildlife Trust with us later on, ready to discuss the unique challenges and solutions around the projects they are involved in.

Here are some small but meaningful ways that you and your loved ones can get involved. Remember that even seemingly small actions, done consistently, lead to long-lasting changes, so celebrate Earth Day every day!

– try meatless days to reduce the pressure on the environment

– educate yourself on climate change and talk to those around you to build awareness

– join a litter clean-up happening near you or organize one yourself with your family and friends

– be aware of your carbon footprint and do what you can to reduce it by making small choices every day

– move away from purchasing or using single use plastics. Think sustainable, not convenient

– buy local food and grow some of your own fresh produce

– use your own reusable water bottle to reduce single use plastics as well as waste

– save electricity by turning off lights and appliances

– recycle your waste responsibly